viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

How to Send clueless spots...

When you become a clueless like a shoe then you can start sending spots like the following ones...

LZ1GC-@  14024.0 HK0NA VERY POOR ACTIVITY!IT IS A SHAME!! 1632 13 Jan   
DX4ALL-@ 14024.0 HK0NA this exped isn`t made for all!!    1624 13 Jan   
EO0DX-@   3524.0 HK0NA IGNORE EU, VERY POOR               1255 13 Jan   
Guys, first of all, this is a cluster is not a "social network", 
secondly, be aware of oficial dates for the operation. Now what you have
said will remain as an examples of "what not to do". 
yes, a shoe... 

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